Thursday, February 25, 2016
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my new website. As many of you recall I had started one on Facebook titled ‘My Life’s Journey’. I discontinued the page after having my little one. I was overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a new mom. As you know, my mom passed in 2014 so it was just Russ and I caring for Brie.
I have decided to start blogging again after my dearest friend Aaron just keep telling me to start it again, start it again… so here I am again LOL :). I’m also so thankful for the genuine and caring people in my life who is not only concerned about their own happiness and success but the success and happiness of others. Makes life so much easier especially when you have the down days.
So, expect to just live vicariously through my life lol just kidding. I’m looking forward to an interactive and joyous time with you all.
I’m so thrilled that spring is only a few weeks away that I can hardly contain my excitement.
Follow me on snap chat to get a glimpse into my life (after all, I’m only human :)). Just add my snap name jsbriggs6
Follow me on Instagram Jamaican_barbie29 (still hanging on to my twenties :))
Facebook Jeneise Briggs (Although most of my time will be on this site. It can be overwhelming navigating through all the different social media. So please, bookmark my blog page).
Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there are topics you’d like me to share my two cents on :). I recently got a request to sing ‘His eyes are on the sparrow’. I had to opt out of fulfilling that request because my voice could not pull off those notes LOOOL
Thanks for visiting
Thanks for being part of my life
Love you guys :)
Walk good and walk with God