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Holy Gauc it's Thursday! Hey guys :)

Hi lovelies,

How are you all doing?

As for me, I'm great!

As most of you can tell from my other social media pages I was busy in the ER over the weekend with my daughter. I was away from home when my husband text to say Brie had a severe reaction to peanut butter (after reaching out via phone unsuccessfully). To make a long story short, she received some steroid medication to last for 72 hours to minimize any secondary reaction. I was a nut case driving to the ER. For those of you who are parents or who have experienced a loved one being hospitalized you know the adrenaline rush that comes with that kind of news. I want to give God thanks for protecting my daughter and taking us safely through this experience. Additionally, I want to thank my friends who have prayed and sent well wishes for our family near and far. We love you guys. We have set up an appointment with an allergist to educate us on 'Peanut allergy', as well as what are the next steps for her in terms of prevention, future implications and so forth.

I have added some photos for your viewing on what I wore to church last Sunday and other in between days. Also, I have attempted a second DIY project. This time, I made some candy shoes LOL. I saw them and loved them but refused to pay $825 for them and that's the cheapest pair I could find. So, I bought my materials and made myself these beauties. Costing less than $30.

What a blessing!

I couldn't finish this blog by not telling you guys about a Jamaican care package I received. The sender, one of my dearest friends wishes to remain anonymous but I'm so blessed to have reconnected with her. She has been nothing but a blessing to my family and I. As you know my neck of the woods have sparingly, if at all, any 'yardie' goodies. She sent me Jamaican bun and cheese, hard dough bread like OMG I haven't seen this in almost a decade! Some nice biscuits, lasco and so on. My dearest, I pray God open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that overflows! My family and I love and appreciate everything that you have done for us.

ps. Shoot me an email or contact me via FB if you need to know more about how to purchase any of the items in my pics. Thanks, guys.


Love and blessings

Jeneise Briggs

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